About Me

The Goal

For years individuals continue to be incarcerated and released into society with no regard for how the mind is affected by incarceration. The cognitive effects that an incarcerated individual goes through are a plethora of changes, and these changes remain long after their release. It is not just a plethora of changes for the incarcerated but their communities and loved ones as well. A lot of these changes are damaging to the mere factor of succeeding as a "regular" human being once released. The environment alters the brain function which is a direct correlation to the high rates of recidivism. The goal of I.S.O.M is to unlock the mind in different ways, help those and the families, and communities affected by incarceration, understand the individual coming home, and the struggles they have faced, hear their stories, learn and accept them for who they are. More than anything provide the necessary tools to guide you forward into a society with confidence, goals, leadership, compassion, and much more for those around them. Become who you were always meant to become before incarceration. Please know incarceration isn't the only thing that effects the mind's ability to move forward. Incarcerated State of Mind is client-driven, the goal is to identify a problem, set a goal, analyze solutions, choose one, develop an action plan, achieve it, and then assess it. The ultimate goal is for all to explore ways towards upward mobility. 

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Results are not guaranteed. Coaching is a tool that can help develop the right mindset and align it with success but individual results will vary.

I am not a therapist or a psychiatrist. If at any time you feel that additional services are needed outside of coaching sessions that address a more in depth approach to your overall mental health, please utilize resources that are available under the resources tab. These resources are attainable from the comfort of your home.
If you are having thoughts of suicide, please utilize the suicide hotline: THE NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION LIFELINE 1-800-273-TALK) or 988. https://988lifeline.org/